
The Struggles in Law School

The path for lawyers can be very hard. Nobody will see more hardships in an academic setting more than lawyers. And for anyone aspiring to be one, you must be ready to face all obstacles. It isn't just about what your brain can take. It's also about how much will you have to keep striving.

Compared to other degrees, law has been designed to keep the student guessing, confused and perhaps at a point of struggle every time they are in class. With what they are bound to experience when they finish studying, they need all the strength and composure to withstand any kind of pressure. So it is only ideal that they are prepared for such early on. On a daily basis, readings and legal cases will be piling up. And they will literally be piling up. Sometimes, you might find your professors talking in tongues as you wonder how you can memorize 500 pages in a day! Truly, such a tantalizing amount can cause dismay. Or worse, make you feel as though the dream is way too far to reach. The best thing you can do is suck it up and do all that you can to fulfill your dream!

Soon-to-be lawyers will also be experiencing what many people regard as frat-peer pressure, or the need to confide with certain fraternities. What people will tell you is through a good fraternity or sorority, the task towards becoming a full-fledged local lawyer is going to be easier. They'll help you out with your studies and they'll provide you with important law paraphernalia that you can use. But along with these advantages, you are required to do some things for your frat like attend meetings or go to charity works. These are good, but there are some fraternities which promote other kinds of duties. Plus, they do their initiations a lot harsher. So in this case, select which one you join properly.

Despite the hardships, the silver lining with all that is you get to have a title. You get to be part of one of the most highly-regarded professions in the world, and nothing can be sweeter than that. For those who wish to be lawyers, don't be afraid. The path is hard, but the rewards are bountiful. Don't miss on the opportunity to become a part of something special. 


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