
Different types of lawyers

Did you know that there are different types of lawyers? Just like doctors, law practitioners have different specializations too. When they study law, they are given the option to choose a particular kind of law that they want to specialize and become experts on. To give you a good idea on which lawyer to hire just in case the need arise, here are some common lawyers specializations:

    * Family Lawyer

If you are dealing with legal matters concerning domestic affairs like divorce, child custody, adoption cases, writing of last will and testament, and marriage contracts among others, then family lawyers are the best to seek. Since your home is one of the most basic societal institution, it is only fitting that a lot of family laws are written in order to provide protection for each family members legal rights.

    * Criminal Lawyer

Crimes committed against the public as well as the individual members of the public like DUI cases for instance are handled by a criminal lawyer Most of the time, such lawyers work for the government and they serve as government prosecutors during trials. However, there are also attorneys who practice criminal law and offer their services as a private criminal defense lawyer. This means that they represent the private citizen who has committed a criminal offense against the public.

    * Civil Lawyer

Civil lawyers, on the other hand, as law practitioners that handle disputes among private individuals or corporations. This involves issues regarding the breach of contract, physical injury, unpaid debt, et cetera.

    * Corporate Lawyer

Big companies or corporations need lawyers that will look into legal business documents for them, create business contracts, facilitate mergers, and even handle legal financial documents of the company and this is what a corporate lawyers is trained for. This kind of lawyer specializes on everything about business, its legal structure as well as its day to day proceedings.

    * Tax Lawyer

Tax lawyers are perhaps one of the highly paid attorneys because they specialize in a matter that is complex. They may serve for the government, corporations, and even individuals and work to provide legal assistance in cases or proceedings involving payment of taxes. Likewise, they may also work as tax consultants, providing legal advice on tax schemes and policies in order to avoid being accused of tax evasion and other relevant cases.

    * Environmental Lawyer

Environmental issues are one of the most pressing societal concerns of today especially with the threats of global warming. This is why lawyers who are also advocates of the environment provide legal service to fellow environmentalists in order to assist in legal cases concerning the environmental degradation and other matters.

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